Online Webinar

Institutions and Cryptocurrencies Strategies, Risks, and Opportunities

🧑🏻‍💻 Online Webinar
🎯 March 20th
⏰ 06:00 PM
❌ Registration required, limited spaces

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Jerome Dave

Général Manager Europe


Philippe Reynier



Why Participate?

Are you a finance professional looking for clear and concrete perspectives on cryptocurrencies in the institutional world? On March 20th, join Jerome Dave, GM of Bitstamp europe, and Philippe Reynier, CEO of Wecan Group, in an exclusive webinar.

These significant players in the cryptocurrency field will share essential insights and pertinent information, while offering a comprehensive view of the domain. This is a unique opportunity to understand how financial institutions can approach digital assets.

On one hand, Bitstamp, a leading crypto exchange serving institutional clients, will provide insights into how institutions can take advantage of this fast-evolving asset class.

On the other hand, Wecan will focus on compliance and transaction security, offering advanced solutions for client onboarding and periodic reviews..

What You Will Learn?

  • Understanding the Cryptocurrency Landscape: A global view of the cryptocurrency market, highlighting the latest trends and innovations.
  • Adaptation Strategies for Institutions: Valuable insights on how financial institutions can adapt and benefit from this new asset class.
  • Risk Management and Compliance: The importance of compliance is crucial, ensuring regulatory conformity and securing transactions.
  • Case Studies and Real Applications: Learn how institutions have already integrated cryptocurrencies into their strategy and the lessons learned from these experiences.

Who Should Attend?

Whether you are leading an institution, an asset manager, or an investment advisor, this event is designed to enrich your understanding and broaden your horizons.

